Radiologist Salary in Wyoming

  • As of May 2021, radiologists in Wyoming may make a mean annual wage of $267,940(1). 
  • Passing radiology programs in diagnostic radiology, radiation oncology, or medical physics may lead to salary differences among radiologists.
  • The average yearly pay for starting-level radiologists in Wyoming is $83,940(2).

Radiologists in Wyoming can earn an average annual wage of $267,940, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)(3)

Radiologist Salaries Based on Certifications, Skills, and Other Qualifications

According to radiology specializations, abilities, and credentials, starting or full-time mean base pay estimates in Wyoming may vary. 

Diagnostic Radiologist

Diagnostic radiology images allow doctors to view inside a patient’s body systems. Diagnostic radiologists are physicians who specialize in understanding and analyzing these images.

As of May 29, 2022, diagnostic radiologists in Wyoming may earn a yearly wage of $211,046(4).

Radiation Oncologists

A radiation oncologist oversees and cures cancer patients and those suffering from non-cancerous (benign) conditions. Physicians have improved their skills by focusing their treatments on various diseases, including complicated and rare cancers.

In Wyoming, radiation oncologists can make $383,620 annually(5).

Medical Physicists

Medical physicists employ their understanding of fundamental scientific ideas to improve illness prevention and detection in curative and imaging operations.

As of May 27, 2022, medical physicists can earn $118,776 in Wyoming(6).

Radiologist Salary per City in Wyoming

The typical pay for radiologists varies depending on their job context. The demand for radiologists in the employment market and the cost of living are two factors that influence radiologists’ wages.

The following regions in South Carolina have an estimated yearly salary of:

  • Cheyenne: $393,790(7)
  • Rock Springs: $398,390(8)
  • Sheridan: $409,190(9)
  • Laramie: $398,490(10)

Radiologist Earnings by Seniority

Radiologists in Wyoming may earn differently depending on their length of service and work experience.

Radiologists’ pay by seniority level in Wyoming may be as follows(11):

  • Entry-level: $83,940
  • Junior-level: $121,580

Job and Salary Satisfaction

According to salary data, radiologists are the most likely physicians to choose the same professional field(12)

However, the study’s findings do not indicate whether the physicians’ motivations are due to a specific pay level.

Furthermore, while studies indicate that pay influences motivation, the premise that decent wages beget high satisfaction is debatable(13)

More research is necessary to determine the variables impacting radiologists’ salary satisfaction.

Comparison of Radiologist Salaries to Similar Careers

The yearly salary estimations for similar professions below may help aspiring radiologists.

  • X-ray technicians (X-ray Techs): $25,807(14)
  • Radiology techs:  $56,001(15)
  • Computed tomography (CT)  technologists : $135,873(16)

Common Benefits 

Radiologists with analytical and creative minds enable innovation in medical devices and treatments.

Furthermore, radiologists can make money in various ways. These specialists may be compensated hourly, on a set salary, or based on the length and scope of care they provide.

Job Description 

Radiologist professional tasks may include the following(17)

  • Radiologists consider a patient’s anatomy, pathology, findings, and prior examinations to determine the best assessment and diagnosis while limiting radiation levels.
  • Radiologists cooperate with and guide other health professionals as part of a larger multidisciplinary group.

Necessary Level of Education to Become a Radiologist

Aspiring enrollees must pass a medical school program before becoming radiologists(18)

After earning a bachelor’s degree, aspirants should enroll and complete a degree program in medical school.

Companies for Radiologists in Wyoming

The following medical facilities in Wyoming may hire radiologists: 

  • Campbell County Memorial Hospital
    501 S. Burma Avenue Gillette, WY 82716
  • Cheyenne Regional Medical Center
    214 East 23rd Street Cheyenne, WY 82001
  • Cheyenne VA Medical Center
    2360 East Pershing Boulevard, Cheyenne, WY 82001
  • Ivinson Memorial Hospital
    255 N. 30th Street, Laramie, WY 82072 
  • Powell Valley Health Care
    777 Avenue H, Powell, WY 82435
  • Wyoming Medical Center
    1233 East 2nd Street, Casper, WY 82601

Popular Cities for Radiologist Jobs in Wyoming

The top cities in Wyoming for radiologists may include(19):

  • Cheyenne
  • Laramie
  • Casper
  • Rock Springs
  • Jackson

Regarding employment demand in Wyoming, the state has an “employment per 1000” ratio of 0.16(20).

The Top Paying States for Radiologists

In the United States (US), the top-paying locations for radiologists are(21):

Moreover, radiologists in the US can earn an average salary of $301,720(22).

Facts About  Wyoming

Here are some facts about Wyoming(23):

  • Wyoming derives its name from the Lenape Indian word “mecheweami-ing,” which means “at (or on) the great plain.”
  • Moreover, Wyoming is the least populated region in the United States despite being the tenth-largest by area. 
  • The outlaw Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, also known as The Sundance Kid, got his moniker from the town of Sundance, Wyoming, where he was put to jail at the age of 15 for stealing a horse.
  • According to reports, Wyoming has only two escalators, both in the town of Casper. The number doubles if you count the up and down sides as separate systems.

  1. May 2021 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Wyoming
  2. Radiologist salary in Wyoming
  3. May 2021 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Wyoming
  4. Diagnostic Radiologist Salary in Wyoming–in-Wyoming
  5. Radiation Oncologist Salary in Wyoming
  6. Medical Physicist Salary in Wyoming
  7. Radiologist in Cheyenne, Wyoming
  8. Radiologist in Rock Springs, Wyoming
  9. Radiologist in Sheridan, Wyoming
  10. Radiologist in Laramie, Wyoming
  11. Radiologist salary in Wyoming
  12. 2022 Physician Compensation Report
  13. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Radiologic Sciences Faculty: Implications for Recruitment and Retention
  14. X-ray Technician Salary in Wyoming
  15. Radiology Tech Salary in Wyoming
  16. CT Technologist Salary in Wyoming
  17. Clinical radiology
  18. Radiology Careers: What Is Radiology & Possible Career Paths
  19. Find a Radiologist in Wyoming
  20. Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2021 29-1224 Radiologists
  21. Ibid.
  22. Ibid.
  23. 25 Wild Facts About Wyoming
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