Elbow and forearm

Forearm X-Ray

This web page discusses the anatomy of the forearm or the antebrachium. It also tackles X-ray imaging of the forearm, composed of the radius and ulna. 

Elbow Radiograph

This web page discusses the anatomy of the elbow and the parts of the elbow as seen through a radiograph. It also tackles the medical conditions that can be detected through the procedure.

MRI of the Elbow

This web page includes information on the elbow, the hinge-type joints in the arm. The web page also covers information on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination of the elbow and injuries and disorders involving the organ. 

Forearm X-ray

This webpage presents the anatomical structures found on forearm x-ray. AP Projection. 1, Humerus. 2, Radius. 3, Ulna. 4, Scaphoid. 5, Lunate. 6, Triquetrum. 7, Capitatum bone. 8, Metacarpal bone. 9, Metacarpophalangeal joint. 10, Proximal interphalangeal joint. 11, Proximal Phalanx. 12, Distal phalanx. Arrow, Fracture. *, Epiphysial plate. Lateral projection. This webpage presents the […]

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Elbow Radiograph

This webpage presents the anatomical structures found on elbow radiographs. Elbow Radiograph – AP projection 1, Humerus. 2, Medial epicondyle. 3, Lateral epicondyle. 4, Olecranon fossa. 5, Capitulum. 6, Radius. 7, Radial head. 8, Ulna. 9, Olecranon. 10, Coronoid process. Elbow Radiograph – Lateral projection 1, Humerus. 5, capitulum. 6, Radius. 7, Radial head.

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MRI of the Elbow: Detailed Anatomy

This webpage presents the anatomical structures found on elbow MRI. T1 Axial view T1 Coronal view T1 Sagittal view T1 Axial view MRI of the Elbow: T1-weighted axial view. Image 1. 1, Ulna. 2, Anconeus muscle. 3, Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle. 4, Supinator muscle. 5, Extensor digitorum muscle. 6, Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle.

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