Radiologist Salary in North Dakota

  • As of May 2021, radiologists in North Dakota may make an average annual wage of $353,840(1). 
  • Radiology qualifications in diagnostic radiology, interventional radiology, and radiation oncology may result in salary differences among radiologists.
  • In North Dakota, the average yearly compensation for starting-level radiologists is $118,770(2).

Radiologists in North Dakota can make a yearly salary of $353,840, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)(3). 

Radiologist Salaries Based on Certifications, Skills, and Other Qualifications

Beginning or full-time mean base salary statistics in North Dakota may vary based on the radiology specializations, skills, and competence listed below. 

Diagnostic Radiologist

A diagnostic radiologist is a doctor who employs imaging techniques to detect, manage, and treat patients. 

As of May 25, 2022, diagnostic radiologists in North Dakota may make a yearly wage of $407,613(4).

Radiation Oncologists

A radiation oncologist is a health professional who specializes in treating cancer patients and people who have non-cancerous (benign) illnesses. The doctors further specialize their operations by treating different sicknesses, particularly tricky and rare cancers.

In North Dakota, radiation oncologists can make $404,740 annually(5).

Interventional Radiologists

An interventional radiologist assesses and treats malignant or benign ailments of the thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and extremities using image-guided, minimally invasive methods and specialized patient care.

As of May 29, 2022, interventional radiologists in North Dakota can earn $97,707 a year(6).

Radiologist Salary per City in North Dakota

The average salary of a radiologist varies depending on where they work. Radiologists’ earnings also rely on labor market demand for radiologists and living costs.

In North Dakota, the following areas have an estimated mean annual compensation of:

  • Bismarck: $415,090(7)
  • Fargo: $407,290(8)
  • Minot: $408,590(9)

Radiologist Earnings by Seniority

Radiologists in North Dakota may make different average salaries depending on their years of job experience and seniority status.

Radiologists’ yearly compensation by seniority degree in North Dakota may be as follows(10):

  • Entry-level: $118,770

Radiologist Salary by State 

Here are some radiologist salary in other states(11):

Job and Salary Satisfaction

According to salary research, radiologists are the most likely specialists to select the same professional path(12). However, the study’s findings do not specify whether the doctors’ views are due to a fair wage structure.

Furthermore, while findings indicate that compensation has a beneficial effect on motivation, the assumption that fair pay constitutes high satisfaction is debatable(13). 

More research into the factors affecting radiologists’ salary satisfaction is necessary.

Comparison of Radiologist Salaries to Similar Careers

The average salary estimates for similar professions below may help aspiring radiologists.

Additional Compensations for Radiologists in the United States 

Radiology positions enable inventive and perceptive thinkers to investigate and develop innovative medical devices and treatments.

Furthermore, radiologists may profit from various earning possibilities. These experts may be compensated hourly, on a fixed salary, or based on the length and category of their services.

Job Description 

Radiologist job tasks may include the following(17): 

  • Radiologists consider a patient’s anatomy, pathology, clinical history, and previous scans to select the optimum diagnostic method while limiting radiation exposure.
  • As part of a wider multidisciplinary team, radiologists collaborate closely with radiographers and use radiology knowledge and expertise to collaborate with and guide other professionals.

Necessary Level of Education to Become a Radiologist

Individuals intending to become radiologists must first become medical doctors(18).

After acquiring a bachelor’s degree, candidates should enroll in and complete a medical school training program.

Companies for Radiologists in North Dakota

Here are several medical institutions in South Carolina that employ radiologists: 

  • Altru Hospital
    1200 South Columbia Road, Grand Forks, ND 58201-4032
    (701) 780-5000
  • Essentia Health
    3000 32nd Avenue, South Fargo, ND 58103
    (701) 364-8000
  • Heart of America Medical Center
    800 S Main Avenue Rugby, ND 58368
    (701) 776-5261
  • Jamestown Hospital
    419 5th Street NE, Jamestown, ND 58401
    (701) 952-1050 
  • Sanford Health-MeritCare Hospital
    801 North Fargo, ND 58122
    (701) 234-2000
  • Sanford Medical Center
    300 North 7th Street Bismarck, ND 58506
    (701) 323-6000
  • St. Alexius Health Dickinson
    2500 Fairway Street, Dickinson, ND 58601
    (701) 456-4000

Popular Cities for Radiologist Jobs in North Dakota

The top cities in North Dakota for radiologists may include:

  • Bismarck
  • Fargo
  • Minot
  • Jamestown

Facts About North Dakota

Here are a few facts about North Dakota(19):

  • North Dakota is the only state that has its bank. Bismarck is the headquarters of the Bank of North Dakota.
  • Moreover, North Dakota has much farmland. Almost 90% of the state’s land region has farms and ranches.  


1. What states in the U.S. have the highest-paid radiologists?

The BLS analysis showed that the top-paying states for radiologists are Hawaii, Arizona, Montana, New Hampshire, and New Jersey(20). However, the data does not specify which one among the top-paying regions pays the most for radiologists.

  1. May 2021 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates North Dakota
  2. Radiologist salary in North Dakota
  3. May 2021 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates North Dakota
  4. Radiologist – Diagnostic Salary in North Dakota
  5. Radiation Oncologist Salary in North Dakota
  6. Interventional Radiology Salary in North Dakota–in-North-Dakota
  7. Radiologist in Bismarck, North Dakota
  8. Radiologist in Fargo, North Dakota
  9. Radiologist in Minot, North Dakota
  10. Radiologist salary in North Dakota
  11. Ibid.
  12. 2022 Physician Compensation Report
  13. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Radiologic Sciences Faculty: Implications for Recruitment and Retention
  14. X-ray Technician salary in North Dakota
  15. RI Technologist salary in North Dakota
  16. Radiology Scheduler Salary in North Dakota
  17. Clinical radiology
  18. Radiology Careers: What Is Radiology & Possible Career Paths
  19. 25 Impressive Facts About North Dakota
  20. Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2021 29-1224 Radiologists
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