Radiologist Salary in New Hampshire

  • As of May 2022, radiologists in New Hampshire can make a mean wage of $440,590(1). 
  • Radiologists’ salaries in New Hampshire can vary depending on their medical physics, diagnostic radiology, or radiation oncology credentials.
  • The average salary for entry-level radiologists in New Hampshire can be as high as $140,800(2).

Radiologist Salaries Based on Certifications, Skills, and Other Qualifications

The annual salary for radiologists in New Hampshire can be as high as $440,590(3). However, radiology certifications and skills can influence New Hampshire’s full-time or entry-level salaries.

Diagnostic Radiology

Diagnostic radiology is a medical subdiscipline that focuses on various imaging procedures used to procure images of internal organs. Diagnostic radiologists review the images to determine the severity of the ailment or injury.

Diagnostic radiology is also an essential aspect of medical procedures in modern medicine.

As of June 2022, diagnostic radiologists in New Hampshire can earn an average pay of $338,496 yearly(4).

Radiation Oncology

Radiation oncologists are medical professionals who treat cancer patients with radiation therapy.

Radiation oncologists work with other cancer doctors, such as medical oncologists and surgeons, to guide cancer therapy. The tasks of these doctors include explaining cancer situations, the effect of radiation therapy on general therapeutic approaches, and potential treatment outcomes.

As of May 2022, radiation oncologists in New Hampshire can earn $437,500 yearly(5).

Medical Physicist

Medical physicists apply physics approaches and technologies to investigate, develop, or improve theories and describe disease evaluation, treatment strategies, and recovery issues.

As of June 2022, medical physicists can earn $210,509 in New Hampshire(6).

Radiologist Salary per City in New Hampshire

The following cities in New Hampshire make an average salary of:

  • Portsmouth: $444,490(7)
  • Manchester: $445,390(8)
  • Keene: $450,690(9)
  • Concord: $447,990(10)

Radiologist Earnings by Seniority

Radiologists in New Hampshire can earn different wages based on their seniority or professional experience in the medical industry.

For example, radiologists’ annual salary for entry-level radiologists in New Hampshire can be as high as $140,800(11).

Job and Salary Satisfaction

According to a survey, radiologists are the most likely specialized doctors to pick the same career pathway(12). 

However, the research does not prove that the overall positive response among medical employees is due to an excellent base salary.

Additionally, while other surveys show that salaries can impact employee motivation, the premise that an excellent wage always results in job satisfaction is inconclusive(13). 

More research is necessary to identify the elements influencing radiologists’ salary satisfaction.

Comparison of Radiologist Salaries to Similar Careers

Aspiring radiologists in New Hampshire may compare the average salaries for similar professions below.

Common Benefits 

Individuals can improve their critical thinking skills and technical aptitude by working in radiology and developing medical science and treatment strategies. Furthermore, radiologists may be eligible for excellent compensation packages. 

Job Description 

Radiologist job description may include(16): 

  • Radiologists converse with referring physicians and submit descriptive technical reports based on their observations of digital files, patient consultations, and treatment outcomes.
  • Establish and maintain patient and staff safety regulations.
  • Examine medical records to determine patients’ health problems (such as contrast agent allergies) and the importance of standard methods.
  • Radiology services can help with other medical procedures. This task may include documenting methods’ efficacy, analysis, and outcomes.

Necessary Level of Education to Become a Radiologist

Individuals who intend to become radiology specialists must first become medical degree holders (17).

Companies for Radiologists in New Hampshire

Here are several New Hampshire medical centers that may hire radiology professionals: 

  • Dartmouth-Hitchcock
    253 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301
  • Dartmouth-Hitchcock Manchester
    100 Hitchcock Way, Manchester, NH 03104
  • Elliot Hospital
    One Elliot Way, Manchester, NH 03103
  • Hampstead Hospital
    218 East Road, Hampstead, NH 03841
  • St. Joseph Hospital
    172 Kinsley Street, Nashua, NH 03061
  • Huggins Hospital
    240 South Main Street, Wolfeboro, NH 03894

Cost of Living by City 

Listed below are the cost of living indexes for some New Hampshire areas contrasted to the US national mean(18).

  • Manchester: 8.8% higher
  • Concord: 14.2% higher
  • Keene: 10.4% higher
  • Southhaven: 16.3% higher

Top-Paying States for Radiologists

In the U.S., the states where radiologists can earn the most are:

  • New Jersey
  • Montana
  • New Hampshire
  • Arizona
  • Hawaii

Facts About New Hampshire

Here are a few facts about New Hampshire(19):

  • In 2008, Guinness World Records named Funspot in Laconia, New Hampshire, the largest arcade in the world. The city had over 600 games at the time, with half of them being classic arcade games.
  • In 1961, Alan Shepard became the first astronaut from America to go to space. He was born in the New Hampshire town of Derry.


1. How much do radiology physician assistants earn in the US?

As of May 2021, radiologists in the United States can earn an average pay of $110,125 yearly(20). 

2. What is the demand for a radiologist in New Hampshire?

The location quotient for radiology professionals in New Hampshire is 0.76(21). Less than 1 location quotient indicates that the region does not specialize in the radiology industry. 

The data above suggests that the demand for radiology experts may be high in New Hampshire.

  1. Radiologist in New Hampshire
  2. Radiologist salary in New Hampshire
  3. Radiologist in New Hampshire
  4. Diagnostic Radiologist Salary in New Hampshire–in-New-Hampshire
  5. Radiation Oncologist in New Hampshire
  6. Medical Physicist Salary in New Hampshire–in-New-Hampshire
  7. Radiologist in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
  8. Radiologist in Manchester, New Hampshire
  9. Radiologist in Keene, New Hampshire
  10. Radiologist in Concord, New Hampshire
  11. Radiologist salary in New Hampshire
  12. 2022 Physician Compensation Report
  13. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Radiologic Sciences Faculty: Implications for Recruitment and Retention
  14. X-ray Technician salary in New Hampshire
  15. Radiology Tech in New Hampshire
  16. Radiologist
  17. Radiology Careers: What Is Radiology & Possible Career Paths
  18. Cost of Living in New Hampshire
  19. 25 Rock-Solid Facts About New Hampshire
  20. Physician Assistant Radiology Salary in the United States
  21. Best States for Radiologists to Live and Work in 2022
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