Radiologist Salary in Delaware

  • As of May 2021, the average annual pay for radiologists in Delaware is $284,940(1). Moreover, this salary estimate may fall between $241,120 and $306,080(2).
  • Radiologists with credentials in radiation oncology, interventional radiology, diagnostic radiology, or medical physics may have different average base salaries.
  • The average beginning salary for radiologists in Delaware is $61,690 per year(3).

The latest wage estimates from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) showed that in Delaware, a radiologist could earn an annual salary of $284,940(4). Moreover, the BLS report indicates that radiologists’ annual pay in Delaware may fall between $241,120 and $306,080(5). 

Radiologist Salaries Based on Certifications, Skills, and Other Qualifications

Delaware’s salary statistics, including full-time or entry-level yearly and average base pay, may vary depending on the radiology specializations, skills, and certifications below. 

Interventional Radiologists

An interventional radiologist evaluates and treats malignant or benign disorders of the thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and limbs using image-guided, minimally invasive treatments and specialized patient care.

As of April 26, 2022, interventional radiologists in Delaware can earn $454,700 a year(6).

Diagnostic Radiologist

The majority of diagnostic radiology doctors practice in hospitals. These professionals can specialize in pediatric imaging, neuroimaging and intervention, nuclear medicine, vascular intervention, and mammography(7).

As of May 25, 2022, the diagnostic radiologist in Delaware may make up an annual pay of $209,801(8).

Diagnostic Radiology Specialists

Diagnostic radiologists’ average base salaries vary based on their expertise. These radiology specialties may include(9):

  • Neuroradiology: Neuroradiologists evaluate and arrange treatment for brain diseases, degenerative conditions, cancer, stroke, and trauma. 
  • Pain Medicine: Pain medicine specialists evaluate and treat patients experiencing severe or chronic pain and cancer-related inflammation. 

Estimated salaries for the radiology specialties above are as follows:

  • Neuroradiologists (Delaware): $315,462(10)
  • Pain medicine physicians (Delaware): $378,669(11)

Radiation Oncologists

Radiation oncologists may use a computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and hyperthermia (heat) to aid with therapy choices and management.

As of April 26, 2022, radiation oncologists may make $451,450 per year in Delaware(12).

Medical Physicists

Medical physicists apply their knowledge of fundamental scientific concepts to therapeutic and imaging procedures to aid disease prevention and detection. 

As of May 23, 2022, medical physicists can earn $139,741 in Delaware(13).

According to the data above, radiation oncologists and interventional radiologists can be among the highest-paid radiologists.

Radiologist Salary per City in Delaware

The typical income for radiologists varies depending on where they operate. The employment market’s need for radiologists and the cost of living are two factors that can determine radiologists’ pay.

The following cities in Delaware have approximate mean yearly salaries of:

  • Wilmington: $461,590(14)
  • Dover: $460,890(15)
  • Newark: $461,290(16)
  • Rehoboth Beach: $462,890(17)
  • Middletown: $459,990(18)

Radiologist Earnings by Seniority

Radiologists’ income prospects in Delaware may vary depending on their years of experience or seniority level.

Radiologists’ pay by seniority level in Delaware may be as follows(19):

  • Entry-level: $61,690
  • Junior-level: $117,800

Job and Salary Satisfaction

According to a salary data analysis, radiologists are the most likely to return to the same job path(20). However, the report’s conclusions do not state if the doctors’ reactions are due to a viable salary range.

Furthermore, while research suggests that salary has well-established motivating effects, the idea that fair salaries lead to a high degree of satisfaction is still arguable(21). 

Additional research may be necessary to understand the association between radiologists’ work satisfaction levels and wages.

Comparison of Radiologist Salaries to Similar Careers

The annual wage estimates for related industries below may be helpful to prospective radiologists considering a career in radiology.

  • X-ray Technicians (X-ray techs): $23,911(22)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologists: $80,654(23)
  • CT Technologists: $26,640(24)

Common Benefits 

Some radiologists may be eligible for professional development scholarships and visa sponsorship.

In addition, radiologists may qualify for relocation assistance, rebates, and tuition reimbursement.

Radiologists may differ in collecting their payments depending on their work contexts. These physicians may earn straight salaries, hourly wages, or according to the duration and nature of their services.

Job Description 

Radiologist job responsibilities may involve the following(25): 

  • Evaluate medical pictures, use assessment data to guide patient treatment, help patients choose procedures, and act as advisors to the referring physician.   
  • Recommend appropriate additional examinations or treatment measures, and speak with referring physicians about the patients’ circumstances.
  • Assist radiologic technologists in executing imaging operations as efficiently as possible.

Companies for Radiologists in Delaware

The following are some of the major medical facilities in Delaware that may hire radiologists: 

    • Bayhealth – Kent General Hospital
      640 South State Street, Dover, DE 19901
      (302) 674-4700
    • Christiana Care Health System
      4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Newark, DE 19718-0002
      (302) 733-1000
  • Wilmington Veterans Affairs Medical Center
    1601 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, DE 19805
    (302) 994-2511 or (302) 994-2511

The ease of finding a job as a radiologist may depend on the number of health institutions and residents of the state.

Cost of Living Index per City

The amount of money a radiologist can expect to make depends on where they practice. Moreover, the cost of living and the need for radiologists in the area may influence their pay(26).

Below is the cost of living index for each city in Delaware compared to the national average in the United States(27):

  • Wilmington: 12% higher
  • Dover: 8% higher 
  • Newark: 12 % higher 
  • Rehoboth Beach: 9.7% higher
  • Middletown: 10.2% higher

Facts About Delaware

Here are some facts about Delaware (28):

  • The second smallest state in the U.S is Delaware, with a land area of 1,948 square miles.
  • Delaware has the least number of residents in the U.S.

  1. May 2021 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Delaware
  2. Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2021 29-1224 Radiologists
  3. Radiologist salary in Delaware
  4. May 2021 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Delaware
  5. Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2021 29-1224 Radiologists
  6. Interventional Radiologist Salary in Delaware
  7. Radiology
  8. Diagnostic Radiologist Salary in Delaware–in-Delaware
  9. Radiology
  10. Neuroradiologist Salary in Delaware
  11. Physician – Pain Medicine Salary in Delaware
  12. Radiation Oncologist Salary in Delaware
  13. Medical Physicist Salary in Delaware
  14. Radiologist in Wilmington, Delaware
  15. Radiologist in Dover, Delaware
  16. Radiologist in Newark, Delaware
  17. Radiologist in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
  18. Radiologist in Middletown, Delaware
  19. Radiologist salary in Delaware
  20. 2022 Physician Compensation Report
  21. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Radiologic Sciences Faculty:
    Implications for Recruitment and Retention
  22. X-ray Technician salary in Delaware
  23. MRI Technologist salary in Delaware
  24. CT Technologist salary in Delaware
  25. What does a radiologist do?
  26. Radiologist Salary Report: Compared by Region and Specialty
  27. Cost of Living in Delaware
  28. Interesting Facts About Delaware
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