X-ray Tech Schools in MN

Students can get a certificate, associate’s, or bachelor’s degree in radiology from schools in Minnesota if they intend to start a new profession as a rad tech. Some community colleges and technical schools also provide associate’s degrees. The programs require two years of full-time study

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Radiology Degree

Radiology degrees provide multiple career paths for radiologic technologists. An associate’s degree allows technologists to work in clinics or hospitals, while those with a bachelor’s degree may work in imaging sales or technology repair. A radiologic technology certificate is the minimum education requirement for entry-level work in the radiologic technology field(1). At the doctoral

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Radiology Schools in RI

Radiologic technologists are healthcare professionals specializing in diagnostic imaging. These imaging modalities include X-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), sonography (ultrasound), and positron emission tomography (PET).

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