Radiologist Salary in Florida

  • Based on data, the average annual salary for radiologists in Florida is $396,990 as of September 2020(1).
  • The typical annual average salary range for radiologists in Florida is between $345,090 and $459,190(2).
  • Based on ZipRecruiter data, an entry-level radiologist makes an average salary of $52,172 in Florida as of October 2020(3).
  • Factors that affect a radiologist’s salary include the city where they work, their educational background, professional background, certifications, and additional skills. 

Radiologist Salary by Seniority

The number of years that radiologists based in Florida spend practicing the profession affect their average salary. Radiologists in Florida need about 10 to 14 years of professional experience to meet the median salary.

The following table plots the salary estimates of radiologists in Florida with various years of experience in the job, based on data as of September 2020:

Professional Experience in Years Estimated Median Wage Amount Compared to Median Salary ($396,990)
< 1 $379,948 $17,042 less
1 to 2 $379,948 $17,042 less
3 to 4 $381,497 $15,493 less
5 to 6 $383,821 $13,169 less
7 to 9 $387,694 $9,296 less
10 to 14 $396,990 Equal
15 to 19 $408,130 $11,140 more
≥ 20 $412,772 $15,782 more

*Figures may change when new information comes in

Radiologist Salary by City in Florida

Based on data as of September 2020, radiologists in the following Florida cities earn the highest average annual base salary(4):

City Avg Annual Wage
Deerfield Beach, FL $412,066
Delray Beach, FL $412,066
Boynton Beach, FL $412,066
Boca Raton, FL $412,066
Lake Worth, FL $411,230
Greenacres, FL $411,063
Hobe Sound, FL $409,559
Jupiter, FL $409,559
Lake Harbor, FL $409,559
Belle Glade, FL $409,559

Meanwhile, based on ZipRecruiter data as of October 2020, entry-level radiologists practicing in the following cities in Florida with active job markets earn the highest average salary:

City Avg Annual Wage
Fort Lauderdale, FL $67,886
Boca Raton, FL $67,510
Lehigh Acres, FL $66,521
Cape Coral, FL $66,332
North Port, FL $64,771
Hollywood, FL $64,257
Palm Coast, FL $63,513
Pensacola, FL $62,421
Bonita Springs, FL $61,852
West Palm Beach, FL $61,552

*Figures may change when new information comes in

Radiologist Salary Satisfaction

Based on 273 ratings, 51% of radiologists in the United States of America are satisfied with their salaries(5).

The survey participants agree that their current salary is enough to supply the cost of living in their area.

Indeed is the top global job site with over 250 million unique monthly visitors(6).

Radiologist Salary vs. Salary From Similar Careers

Radiologists’ salaries may differ depending on an individual’s qualifications. These qualifications include the skills and certifications that radiologists and related professionals may obtain throughout their careers.

Based on the occupational employment statistics of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Florida state has the third highest employment level among radiologic technologists and radiology technicians(7).

The national average of employment for radiologic technologists is highest in California, followed by Texas, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania.

The BLS offers an Occupational Employment Statistics query system, which gathers the latest labor data of multiple occupations for one geographical area(8). 

The following employment rates and wages for other radiologist jobs and subspecialties in Florida are based on BLS data as of May 2019:

Related Job Title Employment Average Hourly Wage Average Annual Wage
Radiation Therapists 1,030 $40.41 $84,060
Cardiovascular Technologists and Cardiovascular Technicians 5,080 $24.20 $50,330
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers 5,380 $31.88 $66,310
Nuclear Medicine Technologists 1,600 $35.80 $74,470
Radiologic Technologists and Radiology Technicians 13,830 $27.48 $57,150
MRI Technologists 3,040 $30.76 $63,980

Note that estimates in the employment column do not include self-employed workers. Annual wages are calculated by multiplying the corresponding hourly wage by 2,080 hours.

How to Become a Radiologist in Florida

Typical requirements for aspiring radiologists include an Associate of Science (AS) degree or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree from accredited radiology programs, continuing education credits as licensed radiographers, and a bachelor’s degree.

Bachelor’s degree programs may take up to five years to complete. These programs prepare students with radiology backgrounds for advanced positions in radiology fields, like interventional radiology.

A bachelor’s degree is also required to qualify for medical internships. Radiographers may become radiologists, or licensed physicians, once they follow an educational path that includes internship programs and residency.

Job Description

Radiologists are medical doctors or physicians who mainly specialize in medical body imaging. These professionals may further specialize in diagnostic radiology, radiation therapy, or interventional radiology.

They work full-time with X-ray, medical resonance imaging (MRI), and various equipment that create diagnostic images.

Diagnostic radiologists then interpret the medical images they create to recommend proper treatment methods to their patients.

Meanwhile, interventional radiologists rely on the images from diagnostic radiology equipment to use minimally invasive techniques in treating various diseases.

Radiologists typically start as radiographers, radiologic technologists, or registered nurses.

Upon completion of continuing education, these specialists may pursue a medical doctor’s (MD) degree to become radiologists.

Common Benefits

Radiologists may have several benefits, including insurance benefits, vacation leaves, and professional development benefits.

Insurance benefits can include malpractice insurance, life insurance, vision insurance, dental insurance, and health insurance.

Vacation benefits can also include parental leave and paid time off.

Some radiologists also have professional development assistance benefits and visa sponsorship benefits.

Finally, radiologists may receive relocation assistance, employee discounts, and tuition reimbursement benefits.

Radiologist Employment in Florida

Envision Physician Services is among the top healthcare companies in the United States. Located in Saint Petersburg and Hollywood, the company offers diagnostic radiologist jobs and anesthesiology jobs.

There is also a job market for registered nurses and nursing assistants in the Physician Associates of Florida and the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children located in Saint Cloud, Florida.

About Florida

In the United States of America, Florida is the 27th state as of 1845. It is the most populous state in the Southeast and the second most populous state in the South, next to Texas(9).

The state capital is Tallahassee, located in the Northwest.

Florida shares a land border with Georgia in the east and Alabama in the west.

The state’s main cities include Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, and Fort Lauderdale.


In the United States, radiologists in New York earn the highest salary, based on data(10). New York radiologists earn a median salary of $448,390 as of September 2020.

According to ZipRecruiter, the most-searched states for interventional radiologist salaries are Minnesota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Alabama(11).

In Florida, the median salary is $396,990. Radiologists in Deerfield Beach, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, and Boca Raton earn the highest annual salary at $412,066.

Entry-level radiologists in Fort Lauderdale, South Florida, earn the highest annual salary among cities in Florida. They earn an average of $67,886 annually.

Salaries of radiologists may vary depending on the city they live in and the number of years they have spent practicing their profession.

  1. Radiologist Salary in Florida. Retrieved from
  2. Ibid
  3. Entry Level Radiologist Salary in Florida. ZipRecruiter, Inc. Retrieved from–in-Florida
  4. Radiologist Salary in Florida. Op cit
  5. Salary Satisfaction. Indeed. Retrieved from
  6. About Indeed. Indeed. Retrieved from
  7. Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2019 – 29-2034 Radiologic Technologists and Technicians. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Retrieved from
  8. Occupational Employment Statistics Query System. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Retrieved from
  9. Norrell, Robert J., Fuson, Robert H. Florida. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2020, October 22. Retrieved from
  10. Radiologist Salary in New York. Retrieved from
  11. Interventional Radiologist Salary. ZipRecruiter. Retrieved from
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